Monday, December 16, 2013


December 2, 2013
Hey family!
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! It sure sounds like you did with all the family and football and such. It's good to hear everyone made it out alive and happy :) Dad, What is Smith and Edwards? Have I really been gone THAT long!?! haha It sounds like you got the lights up, and that's awesome! I'm still waiting for the moment when I can get away with wearing a sweater here, but it hasn't happened yet. People are putting up lights and playing c-mas music, but it hasn't really hit that it's that season yet. We had one day where it was 40 this week and that was pretty cold. It is so different here because it is a wet cold, so it's not really COLD, but it stings! Hope you all enjoy that snow and tubing and hot cocoa for me! :)
We were at a less-active's house and she had decided to be "cool" (as she says) and bake us a pie. (she doesn't bake,so this was a big deal! She is so funny! :) ) So she takes out the pie and decided to have the oven self-clean. We start to teach her a lesson in the living room and after a few minutes, we start to see smoke coming from the kitchen. Long story short, after cutting the breaker, opening all the windows and doors to fan out the smoke, and wiping our eyes of the streams of tears caused by the smoke, we had a great lesson on prayer, and how the Lord protects us and always watches over us. Good memories. She is so awesome and has been progressing really well! 

Thanksgiving was awesome! I had an awesome opportunity to go have dinner with N, the girl that I met in Washington D.C. We had a great talk about what Jaylen and I are doing as missionaries. She said she studied with the Elders at college a little, until semesters changed and they were transferred. She is very open, and we had some great gospel talks with her two grandmas as well. They are now Facebook friends and we are excited to continue to teach them. Her one grandma reminded me So much of Ma-key. It was really fun. I sure do miss you Ma-key! :) We also had dinner with a less-active family and it was AWESOME! There is just something about American food that isn't as appealing to me anymore as Hispanic food is... haha We had some delicious Thanksgiving dinner with them, after which we went to the Brandon Bishop's house. His wife was begging us to come, because they were empty-nesters. They are so funny and so sweet! Bishop is in the military (lots of people here are) and he reminds me a lot of Rand-they look a lot alike. His wife is probably the funniest person I've met. We had a quick 15 minute "taste-test" meal with them because we were stuffed and  had to get home on time. We ate literally ALL day, and my stomach still hasn't recovered, but it was definitely worth it. I am excited to see the blessings that come from those meals we had with those families as the progress :) 

Cool stories:
Yesterday R got up in fast and testimony meeting. He was so nervous, but was more grateful than nervous so he said he had to get up. So cute! So he bore his testimony and shared how thankful he was that he is a member of the church. He shared that the first day that he walked into the church he felt so much peace. He had been praying that he could get in contact with his daughter who he hadn't talked to in 30 years. When he was in church that first Sunday, he got a phone call and it was his daughter. He will never forget that experience, and reflects on it often to us as well. He also shared that he had been praying for some financial help. That month when he received his cable bill-$0. His gas bill $0. His electric bill $0. He wept tears of joy and gratitude and so many people were touched by his testimony. His stories of how the Lord has blessed him continue on and on. It was such a great reminder to me that when we take the time to Look at the blessings the Lord has given us, that we will see more and more miracles from His hands. 

This week has been SO full of exchanges with the sisters to help them succeed. We have some wonderful sisters and they are doing so great! I had the opportunity to go to Valrico to attend church with the sisters there. As we were sitting waiting for church to start, I looked in the hall and saw someone who looked familiar. I realized that they weren't, so I just turned around again. A few seconds later, there was a tap on my shoulder and this younger couple introduced me to W and her son O. They came and sat by me and church started right after that. After sacrament, I found out that they are not members. Her fiance is a member in Jamiaca (where she is from too) and he had been teaching her all about the church through Skype. He was able to look online and find her a church where she could come. She said "I am here to find out how I can get baptized and go the the temple." WOW!! Talk about a missionarie's wishes coming true! haha She  said that he told her that she would  find missionaries who could teach her and would get her a free "mormon book". In Sunday School and Relief Society she participated like she had been a member for years. Someone asked her after hearing a response, "How long have you been a member". That happened more than once. She is SO ready and the missionaries set a time to see her today. Such a tender mercy! Her son also participated just as eagerly in Young Men's. He turns 12 today! :) He came to meet his mom after sacrament and said "Can we  PLEASE come back on Wednesday"? (Mutual) She was so happy that he was happy and said "of course we can! Such a neat experience!!! 

I have been learning and growing so much in the past few weeks, in ways I can't explain. I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven for all the blessing that he gives me each day. I need to do better at writing down all the miracles I see, because I know how much more power comes from recognizing the Lord's hand.  I hope you all had a great week and continue to have a wonderful week and enjoy the holidays. Love you lots!!!! 
Hermana Gillett

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