Monday, December 16, 2013

Out with the Old, In with the New - Hermana Gillett

December 9, 2013
Snow? what's snow? Do you mean sand? We have a lot of that and SUNSHINE around here. What does 17 degrees feel like? It has only been 95 degrees here. haha That is so cool! How much snow do you have now?

I hope you all had a great week and enjoyed The Christmas Devotional last night. Wasn't that neat? Did it used to be longer? I swear when I was a kid that it was like 2 hours or something because it always seemed to drag... Of course I'm sure that had nothing to do with being excited to drive around and look at Christmas lights and listen to Christmas music afterwards. It is really interesting because our mission President just met with Elder Perry and they talked of how important it is that we start utilizing technology to its fullest. It was cool to see how even the First Presidency is setting that example. It really enhanced Elder Nelson's talk, and it was so fun to see all of those CUTE primary children singing "I'm trying to be like Jesus" which also happens to be my FAVORITE primary song. That was probably my favorite part :) The spirit was SO strong. I love the focus that is put on children at Christmas time and how if we can only see the world through a child's eyes and be like a child, THEN will we truly come to understand the true meaning of Christmas. It always gives me chills to hear them pray for the missionaries. I remember Mom
telling me to remember how much we are prayed for each day, and that has brought me a lot of strength throughout my mission. Thanks! :)

This week was crazy and I think we were in Tampa more than Brandon, but it was a very successful week. We had meetings for my companion to help her prepare for the after-mission life. She leaves tomorrow. We had exchanges with some sisters that we are over in Tampa and I  got to go to the YSA ward with her there. That was pretty awesome! I miss college... but wouldn't trade this mission experience for anything!  I was reminded of how grateful I am to live in Utah where people at least believe in God. It was sad how many "athiests" there were among the college students. We are going to have to work even harder to change that! WE also had our Mission Leadership Conference MLC on Friday in Bradenton. It was a great training and I always learn so much. I am excited to take it back to the sisters and continue to learn from them. After the meeting, we were in a big van with other missionaries that was going to take us back to where our car was parked in Brandon (they picked us up on the way to Bradenton from Tampa.) However, President Cusick got a phone call from someone named Donny and they said they had 1000 extra tickets to his concert. Next thing we knew, we were headed to Tampa for a Donny and Marie Osmond Christmas concert. haha Let's just say that I didn't realize how much I've become in "missionary mode" when it comes to "worldly" things until then. It was a good concert, but kinda uncomfortable at parts too. It was a good reminder to me of what is really important in life and at the Christmas season. Forgetting ourselves and remembering Christ as we serve others.

Early Saturday morning (we got back late fri, so it wasn't too fun getting up, but we did anyway with bright, only slightly forced smiles on our faces. They quickly became permanent though :) ) we went to help C with her service project. It was so neat! It worked out perfectly too because they only had 1 Spanish  translator, so they ended up needing us a lot more than they thought :) They have a lot of  donated items-computers, washers and dryers, fridges, clothes, furniture, toys, etc that people donated. They put it all out in sections and people can go through and get what they want/need for their families for Christmas all for FREE! It was so rewarding to see so many smiles on their faces and tears as people were so grateful for those who helped make it possible for them to have a Christmas. We met the sweetest couple from Ecuador, and hope to be able to teach them soon, that is if we can find them... They lived just down the street, but we are going to try to see if we can figure out their address exactly. The event was a huge success and  huge blessing. At first their Pastor was a little hesitant that we were there as missionaries, but thanked us after and was appreciative of our help. It was such a neat experience. Cathy invited us over for this week, so I'm excited to take my new trainee OH! I found out that I'm training starting tomorrow! YIPPEEE!!!! Send prayers this way for the both of us PLEASE! :)

I hope you all have a great week and remember how much I LOVE YOU!!! I will be getting my trainee tomorrow (hence "out with the Old as my companion goes home, and in with the New missionary :) ), so please pray for her, and me! :) I am so excited to have that new missionary spirit back again and we are going to love the people here so much! I love you! Stay safe, happy , and healthy. You are in my prayers! XOXO
Hermana Gillett

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